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How can a business be more environmentally friendly?

by | May 16, 2023

I’m an environmental writer, scientist and business owner who for nearly 20 years has helped and advised others on ways their businesses can be more environmentally friendly. That’s right. It’s nothing new and like most sustainable ideas, is basically common sense.

But it’s not so common in business apparently. I regularly get asked variants on this theme. As one lovely and very experienced business owner recently wrote, ‘I’d love to prioritise sustainability and eco-friendliness in my business, but I have no clue what that means for me’. Here’s to you.

In this post I will take you through the demand for environmentally friendly businesses, the whys of being environmentally friendly, and then some tips and ideas for your small business. And you get the opportunity at the end to download a checklist as a reward for your staying power. You’re welcome. 

I’m an environmental writer, scientist and business owner who for nearly 20 years has helped and advised others on ways their businesses can be more environmentally friendly. That’s right. It’s nothing new and like most sustainable ideas, is basically common sense.

But it’s not so common in business apparently. I regularly get asked variants on this theme. As one lovely and very experienced business owner recently wrote, ‘I’d love to prioritise sustainability and eco-friendliness in my business, but I have no clue what that means for me’. Here’s to you.

In this post I will take you through the demand for environmentally friendly businesses, the whys of being environmentally friendly, and then some tips and ideas for your small business. And you get the opportunity at the end to download a checklist as a reward for your staying power. You’re welcome. 

Environmentally friendly businesses

Chances are you’ve noticed the green eco wave, which is really more tsunami.

You know, those eco friendly hand poured pure soy vegan friendly locally made refillable candles. The resurgence of brown paper bags. I like the ones with natty raffia handles but – product warning – beware the grocery variety which are not made for actual groceries. Just saying, having spilled the beans and everything else over a grimy carpark recently.

What is an environmental writer

How about condoms? Amazon says the latex, thin feel, regular fit ones are a best seller. Condoms made from latex, a natural product, now account for 80% of the market. Did you know, though, that lambskin condoms are on the rise, so to speak? These natural skin condoms currently account for 5% of the market, and while biodegradable, are made from lamb large intestines, not skin. Not sure if that’s a relief or a downer (sorry just had to slip that one in).

Who gives a crap sustainable product

And what about who gives a crap? I friggin do. I love this brand, everything from their name, to their product designs, social ethics (50% of profits donated to help build toilets) and, of course, their product which is good for the planet as well as useful. Covid proved that. 

Environmentally friendly is big business

Companies are now competing for environmentally friendly brownie points and it seems everyone’s in on it. The Australian Financial Review’s Sustainability Leaders list is by application only, no greenwash allowed. In 2022, Woolworths Group was crowned the overall Sustainability Leader for impact. Uber cool company Planet Protector, which produces a polystyrene alternative, took out the overall Sustainability Leader for innovation. But there were plenty in the running from all sectors, including resource and mining, construction, logistics and transport, banking, communications and agriculture. You can read more about the entrants and how winners are selected here. Make no mistake, environmentally friendly is big business.

So why be environmentally friendly?

I’m a why person too. Drove my parents nuts when I was a kid. In case you need convincing, there are several advantages to having a sustainable, or eco friendly small business. Here are my favourite five whys, in no particular order:

What is an environmental writer
  1. You are more attractive to your customers.

Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impact of the products and services they use. Putting your brand image out there as an environmentally friendly business can attract like-minded customers who are more likely to give you repeat business.

2. You are more appealing to other talent.

Eco friendly businesses are often viewed as more progressive and forward-thinking, making them more appealing to prospective employees who value social and environmental responsibility.

3. You have improved staying power.

Sustainable practices can help a business ensure their long-term viability by reducing their impact on the environment and preserving natural resources for future generations.

4. You have some in the bank.


You can save money on business energy, water and waste management costs, e.g. switching to energy-efficient lighting and appliances.

Tips for an environmentally friendly small business

I’m hoping by now you’re convinced and have a bit more context around an environmentally friendly business. So lets get into some tips for your small business.

The sustainable choices you make are going to depend on your values, what you want to achieve, your budget, and how easy or difficult you want to make it. Ideally you would have a good understanding of all these before you go ahead. I know. Values. Budget. Such a turn off.

How about a few judgy questions to get you going instead. Thinking about bringing a product into your business? Ask:

  • What is it made from? Natural or recycled products? Sourced from sustainable or renewable sources?
  • Is it biodegradable?
  • Where is it made or sourced? Local?
  • Is the company socially responsible?
  • Any official labels or certifications? E.g. energy efficiency stars. Here is a handy directory of legit ecolabels in Australia
  • Is it reusable or recyclable at the end of its life?

Environmentally friendly business ideas

To round out this how to, I’ve provided several ideas you may be able to action in your small business. The key here is action. Hopefully these ideas will prompt your own too. Afterall, it’s your business.

I suggest you start with just a couple that really matter to you or your customers and go from there.

Energy & Resources

  • Use energy-efficient lighting and appliances
  • Walk, ride a bike, use public transport, car pool
  • Turn appliances off at the end of the day/when finished using them
  • Buy local
  • Buy in bulk
  • Go paperless – save documents electronically rather than printing and use an electronic signature
  • Print smarter – only when necessary, double sided, black and white
  • Use only rechargeable batteries
  • Use alternative energy sources
  • Conduct meetings virtually rather than face to face.


  • Indoor plants – help to purify the air around you and make for a more productive work environment
  • Plant trees to shade your office.

Water & Waste

  • Use only the water you need
  • Use refillable water bottles
  • Run dishwasher when full only
  • Fix leaky taps.

Reuse & Recycling

  • Use refillable coffee cups
  • Use reusable packaging and tote bags
  • Purchase products made from recycled materials
  • Recycle everything you can’t reuse – paper, cardboard, food scraps, cans, bottles, electronics etc.

More information.

For those wanting more assistance in the environmentally friendly space, have a look at the ecoBiz program, a joint initiative of Business Chamber Queensland and Queensland Government. This program provides coaching for small to medium businesses to save money, increase efficiencies and reduce their environmental impact. And it’s free.  

Or reach out to me at Studio Deepwater. I can provide a comprehensive environmental audit of your business which may bring to light several areas you may wish to work on.

Now it’s your turn. I’d love to hear your favourite tips to make a business more enviro-friendly. And how did those actions go that you decided to implement? Change is not easy but now’s a great time to start and I want to encourage you. You may find me on Instagram.

May the forest be with you.